Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Here is a Mad Lib that my grandma & I did! ENJOY!!

Mad:)Glibs - free online Mad Libs
How To Wash Your Face
In order to wash your face softly, you must wet your fish in warm clorox. Then, paint it across your face 345678 times. This will wash off any remaining mushrooms. When you are done you should bake the cloth in juicy water to clean it. You should also wash your face with a mouse to keep it smooth and shiny. This will also keep away lava lamps. Don`t worry. It is normal to experience pneumonia the first time you try this. Consult your dog walker if you break out in gummy worms. This works well on your palm too!


Rick...the meek and mild said...

Ha!!! That was funny silly

Grams said...

I think we'll be able to do games and things long distance. We'll give it a try, won't we?