Wednesday, January 21, 2009

MORE brain teasers!!

Here are three MORE brain teasers!! Comment on your answer!

#1-Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side then their other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their side they need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has more hair?

#2-I pass before the sun, but I have no shadow. What am I?

#3-A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays in town for three days, then leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

Here are the answers to my last brain teasers, #1 was the letter "e", and #2 was "nothing".


Silver Back said...

# 1 - The outside...that's my guess

#2 - I don't have any idea, I'm stuck.

#3 - You told me this one already, so I won't cheat. But I like it.

Angela said...

I am with Niel on #1...the outside.

#2. Air?

#3. Friday is a horse!

How'd I do?

Megan said...

#1 is the outside.....
#2 is wind......
#3 Friday was his horse!